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대리(하다) performance on behalf (perform on behalf)

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대리(하다) performance on behalf (perform on behalf)

  【 용 례 】    계약관의 사무의 전부를 대리하는 공무원은 대리계약관, 그 일부를 분장하는 공무원은 분임계약관, 분임계약관의 사무를 대리하는 공무원은 대리분임계약관으로 각각 칭한다 A public official who performs all of duties of the contract official on his/her behalf shall be referred to as the proxy contract official;a public official who takes charge of a part thereof as the public official in partial charge of contracts;and a public official who acts for the duties of the public official in partial charge of contracts as the proxy public official in partial charge of contracts, respectively. 

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