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권한 authority ;power

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권한 authority ;power

  【  용   례   】                    대법원장은 등록사무의 감독에 관한 권한을 시·읍·면의 사무소 소재지를 관할하는 가정법원장에게 위임 한다. 다만, 가정법원지원장은 가정법원장의 명을 받아 그 관할 구역 내의 등록사무를 감독한다 The Chief Justice of 

the Supreme Court shall delegate authority over the supervision of registration affairs to the chief judge of a family court which has jurisdiction over the place where the office of a Si/Eup/Myeon is located: Provided, That the chief justice of a family branch court shall, upon the order of the chief justice of the family court, supervise registration affairs within the districts under his/her jurisdiction. 

  【 용 례 】    탄핵소추의 의결을 받은 자는 탄핵심판이 있을 때까지 그 권한행사가 정지된다 Any person against whom a motion for impeachment has been passed shall be suspended from exercising his/her power until the impeachment has been adjudicated. 

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