간선시설 arterial facilities
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간선시설 arterial facilities
【 용 례 】 “간선시설”이라 함은 도로·상하수도·전기시설·가스시설·통신시설 및 지역난방시설 등 주택단지(2 이상의 주택 단지를 동시에 개발하는 경우에는 각각의 주택단지를 말한다)안의 기간시설을 당해 주택단지밖에 있는 동종의 기간시설에 연결시키는 시설을 말한다. 다만, 가스시설·통신시설 및 지역난방시설의 경우에는 주택단지안의 기간시설을 포함한다 The term “arterial facilities” means the facilities which link the key facilities within a housing complex (where two or more housing com- plexes are simultaneously developed, it means a respective housing complex), such as roads, water supply and drainages, electric facilities, gas facilities, communications facilities and district heating facilities, etc., to key facilities of the same kind located outside the relevant housing complex: Provided, That in the case of gas facilities, communications facilities and district heating facilities, the key facilities located within a housing complex shall be included.
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등록일 01.05