경쟁(하다) competition (compete)
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경쟁(하다) competition (compete)
【 용 례 】 선거에 참여하는 정당·후보자 및 후보자를 위하여 선거운동을 하는 자는 선거운동을 함에 있어 이 법을 준수하고 공정하게 경쟁하여야 하며, 정당의 정강·정책이나 후보자의 정견을 지지·선전하거나 이를 비판·반대함에 있어 선량한 풍속 기타 사회질서를 해하는 행위를 하여서는 아니된다 A political party and a candidate taking part in an election (including a person who intends to become a candidate; hereafter in this Article, the same shall apply) and a person who canvasses for votes on behalf of a candidate, in conducting an election campaign, shall witness this Act and engage in fair competition, and shall not do anything detrimental to the good morals and other social orders in supporting, propagandizing, criticizing or opposing the platform and policy of a political party or the political views of a candidate.
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