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고용 employment

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고용 employment

  【 용 례 】    이 법은 고용보험의 시행을 통하여 실업의 예방, 고용의 촉진 및 근로자의 직업능력의 개발과 향상을 꾀하고, 국가의 직업지도와 직업소개 기능을 강화하며, 근로자가 실업한 경우에 생활에 필요한 급여를 실시하여 근로자의 생활 안정과 구직 활동을 촉진함으로써 경제·사회 발전에 이바지하는 것을 목적으로 한다 The purpose of this Act is to prevent unemployment, to promote employment, to ensure the development and improvement of vocational qualifications of workers, to strengthen the nation’s vocational guidance and job placement functions, by enforcing an employment insurance, and to stabilize the livelihood of workers and promote their job-seeking activities, by granting the benefits necessary for their livelihood when they are out of work, and thereby contributing to economic and social development.

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