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구금·보호시설 confinement or caring facility

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구금·보호시설 confinement or caring facility

【  용  례  】                  “구금·보호시설”이라 함은 다음 각목에 해당하는 시설을 말한다.

가. 교도소·소년교도소·구치소 및 그 지소, 보호감호소, 치료감호시설, 소년원 및 소년분류심사원

나. 경찰서 유치장 및 사법경찰관리가 그 직무수행을 위하여 사람을 조사·유치 또는 수용하는 데 사용하는 시설 다. 군교도소(지소·미결수용실 및 헌병대영창을 포함한다)

라. 외국인보호소

마. 다수인보호시설;

The term “confinement or caring facility” means a facility falling under any of the following items:

(a) Prison, prison for the youth, detention center and its branch, facility for probation, institute of forensic psychiatry, juvenile reformatory, and juvenile classification review institution;

(b) Police station cell, and facility where a judicial police officer investigates, detains and interns persons in order to perform his/her duties;

(c) Military prison (including its branch, a detention house for the unconvicted and a military police guardhouse);

(d) Foreigner protection place; and

(e) Facility for caring for many persons. 

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