가공 processing fabrication
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가공 processing fabrication
【 용 례 】 정부는 대통령령이 정하는 기술자문·평가, 연구개발장비 대여, 기술정보의 가공·판매 등 연구개발지원사업을 수행하는 자에 대한 지원시책을 강구하여야 한다 The Government shall work out and implement measures to support any person who runs the business of assisting the research and development, which includes technical counseling, assessment, leasing research equipment, processing and selling technical information which is prescribed by Presidential Decree.
【 용 례 】 “가공”이라 함은 핵연료물질을 물리적·화학적 방법으로 처리하여 원자로의 연료로서 사용할 수 있는 형태로 만드는 것을 말한다 The term “fabrication” means physical or chemical processing of nu- clear fuel materials in order to change nuclear fuel materials into a form in which they may be used as fuel in a reactor.
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