가스도매사업 gas wholesale business
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가스도매사업 gas wholesale business
【 용 례 】 “가스도매사업”이라 함은 일반도시가스사업자외의 자가 일반도시가스사업자 또는 지식경제부령이 정하는 대량 수요자에게 천연가스(액화한 것을 포함한다. 이하 같다)를 공급하는 사업을 말한다 The term “gas wholesale business”
means a business through which natural gas (including liquefied natural gas; hereinafter the same shall apply) is supplied by a person other than the general urban gas business operator, to general urban gas business operators or large users designated by ordinance of the Ministry of Knowledge Economy.
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최소 5P ~ 최대 100000000P 까지 가능합니다.
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