가중처벌(하다) aggravated punishment (aggravatingly punish)
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가중처벌(하다) aggravated punishment (aggravatingly punish)
【 용 례 】 이 법은 형법·관세법·조세범처벌법·산림법 및 마약류관리에 관한 법률에 규정된 특정범죄에 대한 가중처벌등을 규정함으로써 건전한 사회질서의 유지와 국민경제의 발전에 기여함을 목적으로 한다 The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the maintenance of sound social order and the development of national economy, by providing for an aggravated punishment, etc. for any specific crime under the Criminal Act, the Customs Act, the Punishment of Tax Evaders Act, the Forestry Act and the Act on the Control of Narcotics and Other Analogous Substances.
【 용 례 】 관세법에 의한 밀수출입 죄를 범한 자는 다음의 구분에 따라 가중처벌한다 Any person who commits a smuggling trade as referred to in the Customs Act shall be aggravatingly punished as follows.
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