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강요(하다) compulsion (compel);force (force);forceful demand (forcefully demand)

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강요(하다) compulsion (compel);force (force);forceful demand (forcefully demand)

  【 용 례 】    건축관계자는 건축물이 설계도서에 따라 이 법 및 이 법의 규정에 의한 명령이나 처분 기타 관계법령의 규정에 적합하게 건축되도록 그 업무를 성실히 수행하여야 하며, 상호간에 위법·부당한 일을 하도록 강요하거나 이와 관련하여 어떠한 불이익도 주어서는 아니된다 The persons concerned with construction shall perform faithfully their duties in such a manner as the building is constructed in conformity with this Act, any order or disposition issued or made under this Act, or other relevant Acts and subordinate statutes, in accordance with the design documents, and shall not compel each other to do any unlawful or unreasonable work or to give any disadvantage in connection with such an attempt.

  【 용 례 】    수급인은 하수급인에게 하도급공사의 시공과 관련하여 자재구입처의 지정등으로 하수급인에게 불리하다고 인정되는 행위를 강요하여서는 아니된다 No contractor shall force a subcontractor into acts which are deemed unfavorable to the subcontractor, such as the designation, etc. of purchasing places of materials related to the execution of subcontracted works. 

  【  용  례  】                   통행료를 현장에서 강요하거나 또는 도선을 거부한 자 Person who forcefully demands a toll at the spot or refuses to permit the use of ferries

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