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게재(하다) insertion (insert);inclusion (include)
【 용 례 】 가정법원에서 처리중에 있거나 처리한 사건에 관하여는 성명·연령·직업·용모등에 의하여 그 본인임을 추지할 수 있는 정도의 사실이나 사진을 신문·잡지·기타 출판물에 게재하거나 방송할 수 없다 With respect to any case which is under proceedings in or settled by the family court, any fact or photograph by which the identity might be inferred from the name, age, occupation, appearance, etc., may not be inserted in any newspaper, magazine or other publications, or broadcast.
【 용 례 】 외국에서 박사학위를 받은 자는 귀국한 날(귀국후에 박사학위를 받은 자는 그 학위를 받은 날)부터 6월이내에 당 해 학위논문 또는 학위논문이 게재된 출판물 1부를 첨부하여 교육과학기술부장관에게 신고하여야 한다 Any person, who has obtained a doctor’s degree in a foreign country, shall report his/her doctoral dissertation or copies of publications in which that dissertation is included to the Minister of Education, Science and Technology, within six months from the date of his/her return from abroad (from the date of such degree awarded for a person who has obtain such degree after his/her return).
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