검정(하다) authorization (authorize);approval (approve)
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검정(하다) authorization (authorize);approval (approve)
【 용 례 】 교육과학기술부장관의 검정을 받은 산업교육에 관한 교과용도서 Textbooks on the industrial education which are authorized by the Minister of Education, Science and Technology
【 용 례 】 택시요금미터(이하 “택시미터”라 한다)를 제작·수리·수입 또는 사용하는 자는 그 택시미터에 대하여 국토해양 부장관의 검정을 받아야 한다 A person who manufactures, repairs, imports or uses taxi fare meters (hereinafter referred to as “taximeters”) shall obtain official approval therefor from the Minister of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs.
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등록일 01.19
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