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공직자 public servant

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공직자 public servant

  【  용  례  】                  “공직자”라 함은 다음 각목의 1에 해당하는 자를 말한다.

가. 국가공무원법, 지방공무원법에 의한 공무원과 그 밖의 다른 법률에 의하여 그 자격·임용·교육훈련·복무·보수·신분 보장 등에 있어서 공무원으로 인정된 자

나. 공직유관단체의 장 및 그 직원

The term “public servants” means the persons falling under any of the following items:

(a) The public officials under the State Public Officials Act and the Local Public Officials Act, and other persons who are recognized by other Acts as public officials in terms of qualifications, appointments, education and training, services, remunerations, status guarantee, etc.; and

(b) The heads of public service-related organizations and the employees of such organizations. 

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