그누보드 | seo.php
페이지 정보
작성자 모아 작성일23-02-14 22:02 조회70회 댓글0건본문
if (!defined('_GNUBOARD_')) exit; // 개별 페이지 접근 불가
$seo_title = '';
$seo_desc = '';
$seo_image = '';
$seo_url = '';
$seo_author = '';
$seo_date = '';
$seo_site_name = '';
$seo_tag = '';
$seo_robots = "index, follow";
if ($g4['title'])
$seo_title = $g5['title'];
if ($g5['title'])
$seo_title = $g5['title'];
$seo_title = preg_replace("/\n/", " ", $seo_title);
$seo_title = preg_replace("/\"/", "", $seo_title);
$seo_title = preg_replace("/'/", "", $seo_title);
$seo_title = preg_replace("/,/", "", $seo_title);
$seo_title = preg_replace("/http:\/\/[^\s]+/", "", $seo_title);
$seo_title = trim($seo_title);
$seo_title = cut_str($seo_title, 255);
$seo_site_name = cut_str(trim(strip_tags($config['cf_title'])), 255);
if ($bo_table and $wr_id and $write)
$sql = " select bf_file ";
$sql.= " from {$g5['board_file_table']} ";
$sql.= " where bo_table = '{$bo_table}' ";
$sql.= " and wr_id = '{$wr_id}' ";
$sql.= " and bf_width > 0 ";
$sql.= " order by bf_width desc ";
$sql.= " limit 1 ";
$fb_file = sql_fetch($sql);
if ($fb_file) {
$seo_image = G5_URL."/data/file/".$bo_table."/".$fb_file['bf_file'];
else {
$mat = '';
for ($i=0, $m=count($matchs[1]); $i<$m; ++$i)
$mat = $matchs[1][$i];
// 이모티콘 제외
if (strstr($mat, "mw.basic.comment.image")) $mat = '';
if (strstr($mat, "mw.emoticon")) $mat = '';
if (preg_match("/cheditor[0-9]\/icon/i", $mat)) $mat = '';
if ($mat) {
$seo_image = $mat;
if (!$mat) {
$seo_image = G5_PATH."/data/file/".$bo_table."/thumbnail/".$wr_id.".jpg";
if (!@is_file($seo_image))
$seo_image = G5_PATH."/data/file/".$bo_table."/thumbnail/".$wr_id;
if (!@is_file($seo_image))
$seo_image = G5_PATH."/data/file/".$bo_table."/thumb/".$wr_id;
if (!@is_file($seo_image))
$seo_image = '';
$seo_image = str_replace(G5_PATH, G5_URL, $seo_image);
$seo_title = cut_str(trim(strip_tags($write['wr_subject'])), 255);
$seo_desc = $write['wr_content'];
$seo_desc = trim(preg_replace("/{이미지:[0-9]+}/iUs", "", $seo_desc));
$seo_desc = strip_tags($seo_desc);
$seo_desc = explode("\n", $seo_desc);
for ($i=0, $m=count($seo_desc); $i<$m; $i++) {
$seo_desc[$i] = trim($seo_desc[$i]);
$seo_desc = implode(" ", $seo_desc);
$seo_desc = preg_replace("/\n/", " ", $seo_desc);
$seo_desc = preg_replace("/\"/", "", $seo_desc);
$seo_desc = preg_replace("/'/", "", $seo_desc);
$seo_desc = preg_replace("/,/", "", $seo_desc);
$seo_desc = preg_replace("/http:\/\/[^\s]+/", "", $seo_desc);
$seo_desc = trim($seo_desc);
$seo_desc = cut_str($seo_desc, 255);
$seo_date = $write['wr_datetime'];
$seo_author = $write['wr_name'];
$seo_tag = $board['bo_subject'];
if (strstr($write['wr_option'], 'secret'))
$seo_robots = "noindex";
$seo_url = mw_seo_url($bo_table, $wr_id);
if (!$seo_title)
$seo_title = $mw['config']['cf_title'];
if (!$seo_image or !@is_file(str_replace(G5_URL, G5_PATH, $seo_image)))
$seo_image = G5_DATA_URL."/seo/sns_image.png";
$seo_image_size = @getimagesize(str_replace(G5_URL, G5_PATH, $seo_image));
$seo_image_x = $seo_image_size[0];
$seo_image_y = $seo_image_size[1];
if (!$seo_url)
$seo_url = set_http($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
if (!$seo_desc)
$seo_desc = addslashes($mw['config']['cf_desc']);
if (!$seo_author)
$seo_author = addslashes($mw['config']['cf_author']);
if (!$seo_author) {
$tmp = get_member($config['cf_admin'], "mb_nick");
$seo_author = $tmp['mb_nick'];
$seo_favicon = '';
if (is_file(G5_DATA_PATH.'/seo/favicon.ico') and filesize(G5_DATA_PATH.'/seo/favicon.ico'))
$seo_favicon = G5_DATA_URL.'/seo/favicon.ico';
$seo_phone_icon = '';
if (is_file(G5_DATA_PATH.'/seo/phone_icon.png') and filesize(G5_DATA_PATH.'/seo/phone_icon.png'))
$seo_phone_icon = G5_DATA_URL.'/seo/phone_icon.png';
<?php if ($seo_favicon) { ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php if ($bo_table and $board['bo_use_rss_view'] and $board['bo_read_level'] == 1) : ?>
" />
" />
" />
<?php endif; ?>
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "BlogPosting",
"@id":"<?php echo $seo_url?>"
"headline": "<?php echo $seo_title?>",
"image": {
"@type": "ImageObject",
"url": "<?php echo $seo_image?>",
"height": '<?php echo $seo_image_y?>',
"width": '<?php echo $seo_image_x?>'
"datePublished": "<?php echo date('c', strtotime($seo_date))?>",
"dateModified": "<?php echo date('c', strtotime($seo_date))?>",
"author": {
"@type": "Person",
"name": "<?php echo $seo_author?>"
"publisher": {
"@type": "Organization",
"name": "<?php echo $seo_author?>",
"description": "<?php echo $seo_desc?>"
$seo = ob_get_clean();
return $seo;
포인트 선물 선물명단 선물하기
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등록일 2023.03.06
등록일 2023.03.06
등록일 2023.03.06