그누보드 | sitemap.php
페이지 정보
작성자 모아 작성일23-02-14 22:03 조회65회 댓글0건본문
header("Content-type: text/xml");
if (!$bo_table) { // group
echo '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'.'>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'.PHP_EOL;
$sql = " select bo_table from {$g5['board_table']} where bo_read_level = '1' and bo_use_search = '1' ";
$qry = sql_query($sql);
while ($board = sql_fetch_array($qry))
$write_table = $g5['write_prefix'].$board['bo_table'];
$sql = " select wr_datetime from {$write_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and !FIND_IN_SET('secret', wr_option) order by wr_num limit 1";
$write = sql_fetch ($sql);
$lastmod = strtotime($write['wr_datetime']);
$lastmod = date("c", $lastmod);
$loc = set_http(G5_URL.'/sitemap.php?bo_table='.$board['bo_table']);
echo '<sitemap>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<loc>'.$loc.'</loc>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<lastmod>'.$lastmod.'</lastmod>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</sitemap>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</sitemapindex>'.PHP_EOL;
$xml = ob_get_clean();
echo $xml;
echo '<'.'?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?'.'>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">'.PHP_EOL;
$sql = " select wr_id, wr_datetime from {$write_table} where wr_is_comment = 0 and !FIND_IN_SET('secret', wr_option) order by wr_num";
$qry = sql_query($sql);
while ($write = sql_fetch_array($qry))
$loc = mw_seo_url($bo_table, $write['wr_id']);
$loc = set_http($loc);
$lastmod = strtotime($write['wr_datetime']);
$lastmod = date("c", $lastmod);
echo '<url>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<loc>'.$loc.'</loc>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<lastmod>'.$lastmod.'</lastmod>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<changefreq>monthly</changefreq>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '<priority>0.8</priority>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</url>'.PHP_EOL;
echo '</urlset>'.PHP_EOL;
$xml = ob_get_clean();
echo $xml;
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등록일 2023.03.06
등록일 2023.03.06
등록일 2023.03.06