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국가안보 national security

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국가안보 national security

  【 용 례 】    국가기관의 장은 국가안보 및 보안·기밀에 관계되는 분야를 제외하고 국회규칙, 대법원규칙, 헌법재판소규칙, 중앙선거관리위원회규칙 또는 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라 외국인을 공무원으로 임용할 수 있다 The head of a State agency may appoint foreigners to the office of public official within the least required scope with fixing a period, under the conditions as prescribed by the National Assembly Regulations, the Supreme Court Regulations, the Constitutional Court Regulations, the National Election Commission Regulations, or Presidential Decree, in case where it is difficult to appoint the nationals of the Republic of Korea who satisfy the qualification requirements for the positions in such specific fields as research, technology, education, etc. which are not in such fields as exercising the State’s public authorities, or the fields relevant to policy decisions and other national security and secrecy. 

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