공해(公害) pollution
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공해(公害) pollution
【 용 례 】 “녹지”라 함은 국토의계획및이용에관한법률의 규정에 의한 녹지로서 도시지역 안에서 자연환경을 보전하거나 개선하고, 공해나 재해를 방지함으로써 도시경관의 향상을 도모하기 위하여 도시관리계획으로 결정된 것을 말한다 The term “greenbelt” means greenbelts provided for in the provisions of the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, which are designated according to the urban management planning in order to improve the urban scenary by preserving or improving the natural environment and preventing environmental pollution and natural disasters in urban areas.
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